Travel Tales

Travel Tales
You know my crush? , its the pic above

Trips are the things we all enjoy and want. During childhood, its like a foreign concept. What trips, I only to play with my classmates, playmates and neighbours.

During adolescence, we love the concept of travelling but again, either its the shackles of parents permission or the routine of life prevents us fulfilling that one thing, which since long we wanted to do- be it traveling alone or in friends group (if only that plan actually gets implemented).

This situation is similar for each and every one of us, and of course I too faced it. So I decided, What the bloody hell! Lets  book tickets first and than tell my travel buddies( I had one travel group from college ), I know quite a risky gamble with 80 percent loss on my end. Well I did what I had to do. And guess what

Well if the result wasn't my favour, this blog wouldn't be present. So yeah the TRIP HAPPENED !!!!!

I had my friends wedding, day before the trip and flight at 8 in the morning. Damn I was tired as hell, So we reached at the airport, me exhausted as dead and boarded the plane happily. Though we all were so hungry but nope no airport food- as we all know the prices are freakishly high. And we reached Delhi on empty stomach, rats and cats were jumping racing having time of there life inside our stomach.

And then we had connecting flight at 4:50, so on an average we had  3-4 hours, and Delhi, a big state to explore which is not possible. So what better way to explore Delhi without exploring Delhi? No I am not talking about watchin reel of places of Delhi or movies, I am talking about food- Yes food is the best definition and description of any state/city. So we went ahead and had mouthwatering Chole Bhature, Aloo Parate, Lassi and what not. And this was just our breakfast or brunch, if I am being specific, lets not forget the delhi momos- Damn it tasted like shit. but the seller was enthusiastic uncle so we kept our judgement to ourself and pretended like the momos is the best one we had ever tasted in our life.

Now we went satisfied from our stomach as well as our mind, though we still were astonished that PM Modi visited same day Delhi, Oh yeah I forgot we travelled on January 26, so it was expected but we the bunch of idiots didnt remember that point and shocked as well. And then we went ahead boarded the flight to Uttarakhand.

Flying above beautiful Uttarakhand was one of the best thing I have ever experienced. The view was so damn enchanting, the beautiful mountains, terrace farming, cliffs, clouds everything was so indescribable. The beautiful, colorful asthetic houses, buildings were so pleasing to the eyes, Coming from a city were mountain are rare sight and all buildings, houses are boring colors, this was something I enjoyed watching every minute of it.

Jo's Mantra- Always enjoy, every moments of life and keep those moments into yur small packets to take it out and remember you miss yourself being so happy and satisfied in life, when the life gets too much. If life kicks you, don't be a football, instead be the net and bounce back to life.

See you in the next Travel Tales, let me take you to the beautiful journey of land of mountains and clouds.