Words, Sentences & Life

Words, Sentences & Life

Dear all,

Well, don't worry I am not gonna start a monologue with "Dear Diary, Today I did this or that", hahahaha, no Vampire Diaries reference, but really I had to start and of course what better way than to address you all. Its a new journey and a long one, So buckle up, this blog entries wont have the cliché posts - well depends on your definition of cliché . I hope you guys, even if its a one sentence, relate to it and feel a speck of meaning, as I feel while writing.

I wanted to write about something intellectual you know, just so I would sound smart, obviously didn't seemed successful, So I thought why to write smart when I can make you feel, Aren't it awesome to feel something, and so weird in the same sense.

Don't you feel sometimes, that words can have so much impact, be it in motivational or discouraging form. The letters forming word, words forming sentence, sentences forming paragraph and paragraphs forming chapter, chapters of our life. But seriously, who the devil invented "words", when its has so much power to destroy one big strong being(us). Why the power of small things have big consequences ?. We say in anger, one speaks truth, but what truth? Why do we even need to hear truth or sentences, what difference that gonna make, Is the sentences gonna make us happy? Sure in some instance, when we need the proud words of our parents after achieving something, which "they" wanted. Sad? well, confessing your love and getting rejected, a simple "NO" can sure break our heart. Confused, Teacher's teaching in a class, x integration, x derivation (derivations were really understanding angels and integrations were one hell of a angry lucifer's devils form for me). Okay, we got the picture that words are essential as well as important.

Important as one makes the person in one's life, Sometimes a stranger's suggestions are far better than the plans of friends and vice versa is true. But What makes the distinction, What is the difference ?. The difference is in individual's scenarios as well as his perspective, Do we prefer a stranger's word to our known one's or a foe's fight to our lover's affection?. It is nothing and all combined together. Nothing in the meaning in describing and all in understanding ourselves. So why not just try understanding ourselves, before being the judge of others. Is it so difficult to be a basic human being- one who is humane to understand other's situations and circumstances. To some people or should I say to many, demeaning others just because, your words are important, makes you a target of criticism, Then why even give power to their words, to those individuals, who are vile enough to grow a seed of hesitancy and self doubt. It happens because, often we forget or forgive easily and if not for that we don't know the vile people's inner thought. The rottenness is often ignored by us, because humans have knack for loneliness and just the thought prevent us from cutting off vile people in our life, even if the presence alone will cut your inside out. Their words even if its discouraging and disheartening still feels as though a  well balanced compromise for having such individuals in our life.

JO'S MANTRA- It's never too late to begin and make your own definition of your words and meaning behind it. Either to give yourself to your words or to be yourself to define to words in one's life.

PS- Long one or small one, don't know, but hope a meaningful one, Anyways do let me know whether I sounded smart or dumb, or I succeeded in making you feel.

Such a random and disoriented thoughts hahahaha..............

Have a nice day !

signing off - joslog